Thursday 4 September 2014

The junction

The title may sound  a little strange, but it'll become clearer further on. Today was my second day in the Sixth Form, and another day I felt like my future at King Charles was going to be full of good times. The day started with some admin, nothing too fun, but that's what life's about, fun times and not so. My first IT lesson was imminent, feeling buzzed off my A* that I was proud to get for the subject on results day, I entered with an enthusiastic attitude. Mr Boniface, a teacher who helped me achieve my grade is now back as my part-time teacher. Moving on through the day, it continued to get better, a game of footy afta having lunch was always going to go down well. But then... (And this is where we get to the junction)... The bell rang for P4, my first maths lesson. For this I'm afraid to say I wasn't feeling optimistic after struggling through to the end of last year, progressively finding it more difficult. Quadratics was the first thing that caught my eye, to me, this was rather bad as I can't work the logic out. The lesson was slightly difficult but I got through it. This is the decision I've gotta make, 120% all year for maths. Or 100% in RS, where I'm bound to do well as I achieved an A in the subject.
Decisions, decisions... Decisions.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

It's "Showtime"!

So a new chapter has begun in my education, okay so maybe the last chapter I wrote about was the longest. But hey that's just how it goes. My first English a-level class went down a storm, although I may have not sounded the cleverest child in the class hahaha. But I did enjoy it, my teachers seem really nice and friendly and seem to be able to take my crazy/dramatical way in class. I'm really looking forward to the next two years, I'm buckled up and ready to go!

Monday 18 August 2014

And so it begins...

So with only a few weeks left of the summer holidays I've very much enjoyed myself. A minor hiccup derailed me for a week or two as I ended up in a&e with a knee injury haha.
I've seen various articles along the way which I'll post on later that've caught my eye. They've intrigued and interested me whilst reading them...
And so here we go on this journey...